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Animated Video Creation

Navigating the toolbars of Powtoon
  1. Sign up for a free account at

  2. If this is your first time creating a video on Powtoon, you might want to modify one of their ready-made Powtoons rather than starting from scratch. Note: some templates are reserved for premium users.

3.After selecting a template, complete the 7 step tutorial that pops up.  You can revisit this tutorial anytime

by clicking here or by clicking       in the top

right corner of Powtoon.

4.A lot of Powtoon can be figured out by trying

different buttons but I have defined the buttons below to help you navigate the site.

5. Preview your video and continue making changes until you get the product you want.

6. Publish by exporting the video to

Overall Interface

Add, remove, rearrange, or duplicate slides

Presentation Preview Area

My Styles: This changes the options below (text, characters, animations, props, etc.) to correspond to selected style

Timeline: Add timings to items, props, characters, and other items added to the presentation.

Detailed Library Info

Add text and decide how it will show up in movie

Add images from your computer or flickr

Add stationary characters that appear to be sad, screaming, standing, presenting, etc.

Add moving characters that are presenting, playing a guitar, flexing muscles, flying, etc.

Add objects to your story.

Add a character with your face. After

selecting the image, use the crop icon

to adjust the placement and size of your


Add some marks on your movie. 

Add a button that will take viewer to a website of your choosing

Add basic shapes

Alter how the slides transition from one to the next

Change the background on the slide.


Play from the beginning of this slide

Play starting from where the red marker is

Increase or decrease the length of time this slide is showing

For additional help, view handout by the Center for Teaching and Learning from Mesa Community College or videos from

© 2015 by Kathryn Petty. Proudly created with

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